Semi Homemade

Evening Bellas!

Tonight for dinner I had a chicken caesar salad with tortillas on top.

Lettuce: 0 pts.
Dressing: 2 pts.
Tortillas: 2 pts.
Chicken: 1 pt.

Dinner: 5 pts.

I also had a marshmallow krispie treat YUM!

Dessert: 2 pts.

Guess who I met today?

Sandra Lee

Anyone else absolutely love her?

She is pretty much fabulous, and was a lot of fun!

Here are pictures from the event!

Semi Homemade this fall is going to be 70% homemade and 30% store bought as a opposed to 30% homemade and 70% store bought like it's been in the past! So excited!!!

Who is your favorite Food Network "Star"