Proud to be a Wildcat!!!!

Evening loves!

Sorry about the late post. Today has been an intense day. My college hockey team made it to the NCAA tournament... which was huge! They played today and seriously they made a girl proud! We may not have won but we held our own all the way until Double Overtime!!

Proud to be a Wildcat!
Boys you played amazingly!

For lunch I had a bologna sandwich on a bagel thin with lettuce and mayo on it. I also had a pickle, and some celery. I snuck a couple chips from the boy.

Bologna: 2 pts.
Bagel Thin: 1 pt.
Lettuce: 0 pts.
Mayo: .5 pts.
Pickle: 0 pts.
Celery: 0 pt.
Chips: 2 pts.

Lunch: 5.5 pts.

For dinner I had a fish stick and stole a couple of the boys tots, pickle, celery & carrots+ dip and baked beans

Fish Stick: 2 pts.
Tots: 1 pt.
Baked Beans: 3 pts.
Veggies & Dip: 1 pt.
Banana Nut Muffin Top: 2 pts.

Dinner: 7 pts. pts.

Dessert: 2 pts.

Breakfast: 2 pts.
Lunch: 5 pts.
Dinner: 7 pts.
Dessert: 2 pts.
Marshmallow Bunnies Ears: 2 pts.

I may be from Michigan but I HATE Michigan State.... obviously I am a U of M girly!!! GO NORTHERN IOWA!!!!!
