The Price of Beauty: Paris


Last night was the second episode of Jessica Simpson's The Price of Beauty. Did anyone watch it? Paris is the fashion capital of the world, and they know what's up when it comes to beauty. I studied French before, and have learned that beauty and perfection is something that is important to them. While we would go over there and eat croissants and such they don't actually eat that.

In the show the trio visited a "Wine Spa". Jessica had grapes smashed into her back as part of a "wine massage". I will be honest I have had the grapes smushed into my back before, and it actually does leave your skin having a pretty fabulous glow!

They also meet a former model who had to lose weight to make it into the industry and now battles a life long battle with anorexia.

It's really sad what we go through as girls/women and the "standard" we try to get to. We are all beautiful in our own ways and I know eating disorders are a huge issue. We all struggle. Even beautiful girls such as Jessica Simpson can be so self conscience. Simpson talks about the pressure and pain she's felt by being judged about her size. I know most of us can relate to that.

So what have you done to love yourself today?

Here is what I learned about beauty/health in Paris.

You are looked down upon if you are not rail thin
They are big on natural beauty
They get a facial once a week (holy expensive!)
Smaller portions are extremely important
Drink lots of water
Only eat foods that are in season

Beauty is all about joie de vivre


What did you think of this episode?
