Lavender Lush

Lavender is not just a bold statement for spring, but it's also just the thing that allows you to relax and enter a zen zone.

Lavender contains calming, relaxing, stress relieving as well as healing properties. With the hectic lives many of us live it's no wonder people all around the world are turning to lavender.

Have you ever tried smelling lavender if you have a headache? Or putting a lavender filled bag over your eyes? It offers relaxation properties, and as a result it will usually help your headache subside.

When I worked at the salon the massage therapist always used lavender and it made work more like a zen environment. People would get so relaxed inside, and they weren't even the ones to be getting the massage!

Since we all can't afford to go get a lavender massage I thought I would share some of my favorite lavender products with you.

Alaska Glacial Mud Co. Glacial Soap

Alaska Glacial Mud Co. makes an exfoliating mineral soap bar called Glacial Soap. It is made of pure glacial clay enriched with certified organic emollient oils of olive, coconut and palm. The bar detoxifies pores and cleanses the skin to help defend against breakouts. I love the Bergamot-Lemongrass-Mandarin-Lavender. It's absolutely amazing on my skin and makes it feel soft and rejuvenated. It's a great morning pick me up! It's only $9 a bar!

Alaska Glacial Glacial Co.
has another one of my favorite lavender products! What can I say I love pampering myself with glacial products! It's a Glacial Facial and it's insanely fabulous! My favorite is lavender-peppermint! So refreshing and leaves my skin glowing. I love these individual ones you can buy too. Throw one in your travel bag, and get an instant stress reliever any where that you are! The jars are $34 and worth every penny! The travel size is $3.50 each. It's nice to just have a couple of these around!

Yankee Candle

Need some time to relax? Family making you crazy... or just want to lay in the tub? Try out a lavender candle. My favorite one is lavender-vanilla from Yankee Candle! It usually about $23 and last forever if you use it when you need that extra boost. I will burn mine if I have a headache or even if I just want to relax. I love lighting a lavender candle after house guest from well you know have been here! ;)

Castle Baths Spa Products

Castle Baths Spa Products is a new company that I am loving. I recently had the honor of trying Lavender- Seaweed Dead Sea Salt Scrub. My skin is saying "I love this product". I have tried a lot of scrubs, and I have a fruity one that I use everyday. Sometimes a girl just needs a spa product, and that is where Castle Baths Spa Products can come in handy! This scrub not only exfoliates my skin, but it also detoxifies it. Leaving me with a happy and healthy glow. It leaves my skin feeling moisturized and absolutely fabulous. I think having a lavender scrub is an important thing for any girl to have. We all get stressed out now and again. Why not be able to hop in the shower, and just let the stress be gone.

Do you use lavender to relieve your stress?

Note: Lavender also is my favorite thing to add to food! Love it!