One Bright and Shiny Day

Afternoon dolls!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!

Don't forget about my birthday giveaway!!! It's fabulous!

For dinner today I want to go to The Cheesecake Factory, but decided that was a bad idea if I want to watch calories, points and be able to lose weight. So we may just go to Max and Erma's or make food here. Not sure yet. All I know is even though it's my birthday I don't want to completely ruin being good. Besides I will be having cake and ice cream tonight! Yum!!!

For breakfast I had an apple

Breakfast: 1 pt.

For lunch I had tuna in a pita. Celery & dip and a pickle

Tuna: 3 pts.
Pita: 1 pt.
Celery: 0 pts.
Dip: 1.5 pts.
Pickle: 0 pts.

lunch: 5.5 pts.

Points used: 6.5
points available: 11.5

We all know that I will be going way over my points tonight. I will hope for the best! I am off to enjoy the day!!!

Have a fabulous day!!
