XXL x Nicki Minaj

Remember the previous post on XXL x Nicki Minaj and Drake well this is part two of the post(and stay tune for part three). Nicki Minaj pulls off a Marlyin Monroe photo shoot with a little of her touch/edge to it.

Your buzz has been growing more and more each month. How has that felt for you?
Yeah, I guess it has been growing, thank God. I dunno, it’s been an exciting whirlwind. I never really know what to expect. But the buzz has definitely been heightening, so I’m happy.

When did you first start to feel that things were coming together for you?
I definitely think that, when I shot the [“Up Out My Face”] video with Mariah Carey, I started feeling like, Wait a minute, this is not something I really ever envisioned for my life just nine months before that