The Itch

Does anyone else have the spring itch? Today is suppose to be a high of 82... loving it.
Anyone remember "The Itch" by Vitamin C

While the weather is rocking today I think I need to get in some quality tanning time and I also need to get in a run since yesterday was a very poor excuse for a run. My will power kind of trickles down... but I have to stay strong, and maybe consider a schedule!

Since I have that spring fever itch today I figured what better way to start up my day... smoothie time.

What's in the smoothie:
frozen Strawberries
frozen Black Cherries
peach fruit cocktail cup
splash of water
lotsa ice

Blend it up!

Smoothie: 1 pt.

Breakfast: 1 pt.

Thank you so much to everyone who has voted on which bridesmaids dress I should choose! Did you miss the vote? Pick a dress here.

I have a purse hanger giveaway currently going on. Enter here to keep your purse germ free

Lastly Fashion meets Food is on facebook! Become a fan!
