How-To Tuesday: Avoid being a dirt bag

Do you heart reusable shopping bags? I know I do! Especially up three flights of stairs they work wonders and I don't have to worry about my oranges falling down the stairs.

We all know that I am a little OCD when it comes to germs so when my friend started talking to me about the bacteria on my reusable shopping bags I about turned green!

If you put raw meat into your bag and it leaks your bag is now contaminated and so is any other product that goes into the bag. I always put my meat in separate bags aka waste plastic bags.

Your reusable bags touch all different surfaces and then you set them on your counter and all over your kitchen you are just spreading germs.

Here are precautions I am taking in order to live a "germ free" life.

• Color-Code
I have different colored or designed bags for different products. Such as produce, dairy and dry goods.

• I wash my reusable bags at least once a week.

• Grocery bags are strictly grocery bags and used for nothing else. If I buy a bag and I think it's just too cute then I will use it for other things besides grocery items. Once groceries touch a bag they have no other job.

Here is my new favorite tote! It's by B Happybags. The bags are huge and so sturdy. Not to mention they have so many uses! You can use them for grocery shopping (strictly) or you can use it as a beach bag, gym bag etc. This bag is one of my favorites! It's called Candy and it's fun and funky for summertime! I think if I am going to use reusable bags they better have some personality and these bags definitely do!

Do you use reusable bags?
Do you wash yours?