Why am I still in Uggs?

I cannot believe how cold it has gotten outside. It's absolutely ridiculous that it's spring time and I still wear my Uggs.

Tonight for dinner I made tomato basil chicken. I turned out pretty fabulous.

I am currently obsessed with Red Gold products. I think they have the best taste and flavor.

I decided that I would whip it through the blender... diced was just too thick for dinner.

Browned up some onions

Put some of the Red Gold mix on the bottom of on my Pyrex dish and then placed the raw chicken in. Covered it completely in the Red Gold mix, and put the browned onion on top. Into the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Quick and easy dinner!

While it was cooking I had some Wheat Thins and Salsa

When the chicken was done I let it sit out for five minutes to thicken up.

For the veggie I made green beans with almonds.

Quick easy and fabulous!

1/2 a granola bar: 1.5 pts. (80)
Wheat Thins: 3 pts. (140)
Salsa: 0 pts. (20)
Chicken: 2 pts. (110)
Tomato Sauce: 1 pt. (50)
Green Beans & Almonds: 0 pts. (40) + 2pts. (80)

Total: 9.5 (480)

daily total so far: 15 pts. (855)

I am off to make a pie!

Thanks to everyone for sharing your favorite salads!
