I have the drive now I need the focus!

Morning Gems!

Don't forget to enter my purse hanger giveaway and spread the word! It ends tomorrow!

How are you this morning? It's looking cold out this morning! Although this girl has no option and HAS to go out for a run. Otherwise I won't be able to fit into any sort of dress. I feel like I am on a permanent plateau... obviously I am not serious enough, and the fact that I am literally freaking out probably isn't helping!

This morning I had some cantaloupe and pineapple with whip on top. I also had a few Captain Crunch pieces... no crunch berries... blah LOL.

Fruit & Whip: 0 pts.
Captain Crunch: 1 pt.

Breakfast: 1 pt.

So while doing my celebrity stalking with the college roomie bff... its a favorite past time! I came across this picture of Edyta (dancer on dancing with the stars) is it bad to dream of looking like her? Not to mention I kind "love" the leg warmers. I still have a box of them and wear them at any chance I get.

J Wow you know from in my opinion the terrible show Jersey Shore... the boy is addicted to it... sigh! She's spotted at the gym... in a tube top... GIRL ARE YOU CRAZY. How classy is she right? What a joke!

What are your plans today?
Mummie and I are off to a bunch of stores to get our shop on... and do some returns... she did a little TOO much wedding shopping! I also need to get in a run and do weights. When I have no motivation.

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