Ways to drink more water

We have already been in the 80's this year, and this was a great reminder of one of my goals: to drink more H20. While I know all the good that water does for my body such as, calms hunger, flushes out toxins, makes my skin glow.. etc. My goal is to be drinking eight to 12 glasses of water a day. I have learned many ways that help me accomplish this goal and I thought I would share them with you!

• Drink through a straw.
When I worked for a publication and was trying to up my water intake one of my co-workers informed me that if I drank water through a straw I would drink it quicker and more of it. It totally works!

• Flavor Flavor.
I will add a lemon wedge to my water bottle.
Place orange and lemon wheels in a water pitcher
Add fresh mint leaves and lemon to a pitcher of water
A couple strawberries to my water glass

• Freeze it
I always freeze a water bottle part way and keep it in the freezer. Cold water in the summer is key for me, and with a partly frozen bottle I know I will have water for a little while. My Vapur "anti waterbottle" is always in the freezer.

Want a cocktail, but will consider a "mocktail"?
Try a splash of POM pomegranate juice and lemonade in sparkling water. LOVE IT!

Have any smart sipping strategies that should be added to the list?