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Good Afternoon Lovelies!

I think we seem to all agree on the fact that Kate needs to get the boot. I wish we could vote for who we do not want to see. Honestly I don't want to watch the show if this is kept up much longer....although Maks is just so..... well you know ;)

During my "flip out" moment about Kate still torturing us on DWTS I made some Banana Bread with Mummie

This morning I ate the last VitaTop muffin that I had in the freezer.

I think I have decided that I just like the plain "bran" ones the most. The ones with fruit have not been tasting very good to me lately.

Breakfast: 1 pt.

Before mummie had to work we went to the mall... first Mummie is checking out and the cashier says "what no school for you today" I know I look young... but to think I am 15 and still in junior high when I am 24 with a college degree.... goodness! I even had makeup on today! Guess i'll just be a bombshell at 40 hey?

Then I was over looking at the shoes... Jessica Simpson has some adorable wedges out currently and Coach has some seriously cute flip flops just so you know :] . I am trying on a pair of shoes that are sitting out since they are my size. I hear one sales associate say to the other "watch her with those shoes" EXCUSE ME! You think I am going to steal these shoes? My handbag cost more than these shoes... I said nothing, but I was ready to flip out inside. I kept my cool loved the shoes, butrefused to buy them from those girls... How rude can you really be?

For lunch Mummie and I went to Olga's Kitchen! Love this place! I got a BLT and took off all the bacon and got mayo on the side. Maybe I should start ordering things without the bacon hey? I also had some fries. I ate about half a few fries and brought the rest home.

Thank you so much to everyone who has voted for my Bridesmaids dresses! I appreciate your opinion. If you have not voted yet... please vote here!

Giveaway Time!!!

Yesterday I talked about germs on handbags and how to keep handbags germ free. If you missed the post you can view it here.

If you own a handbag you need a purse hanger! Especially if you are putting your designer purse on the ground. I saw a lady the other day set her Dior purse on the restaurant floor... ARE YOU CRAZY!!!

Don't let your purses get ruined and germ filled!

Here is your chance to win a Joey Junior Foldable Purse Hanger

Here's how to enter:

**Please note you must be a follower of Fashion meets Food to enter this giveaway***

• Who is your favorite designer when it comes to purses? (Don't like designers? Where do you buy your purses from? (1 entry)

• Add Fashion meets Food to your blog roll (3 extra entries)

• Spread the giveaway love. Post about my giveaway on your site (3 extra entries)

• *** Become a Facebook Fan of Fashion meets Food (4 extra entries) * I just made this fan page so spread the love to all your friends. The fanpage will have exclusive giveaways and never before seen photos!

Giveaway ends Monday April 19th

Best of luck!
