The Price of Beauty: Tokyo

This is the episode that I have been waiting for!

So what is beauty in Japan?

First the trio goes to a tea house. They learned that they will cut their eyelids to get bigger eyes. They then got a Japanese lesson... "Konichiwa" is Japanese greeting that means "Hello." Cacee is from Texas and said it with a thick southern accent kind of funny. "Utsukushii" means beautiful.

Of course they have to go to the Japanese Spa.

First thing up was the rock walk. It was all about hitting pressure points in your feet, and was extremely painful to them.

They then went into this room and there was water with fish in it. The fish are suppose to eat the dead skin off of your feet. This is known as their pedicure. The tiny fish secrete an enzyme called diathanol which is said to improve skin regeneration. Maybe it's just me but I don't want anything nipping on my feet

Next they went into the sand pit it was suppose to be a sauna and exfoliant. They left you in their for two hours. basically it was that you were completely covered in sand like many of you probably did as kids... not being able to move just your head peaking out.

They then got to experience being a Geisha. Which is actually a pretty intense process. You get naked and then they helped the trio put on their Kimonos. Next they put on Japanese Kimono socks. They separate your toes. They then got the "white mask" but on their face. Traditionally it was made out of nightingale bird poo (sick) today the white base mask is made with rice powder. Geisha's dedicate their life to the art and never get married. Random Fact: In the 1920's, there were over 80,000 geisha's in Japan. Today their is only about 1,500.

Now onto my favorite part!
Harajuku girls! There are different Harajuku such as Goth, Lolita, Baby Doll, Punk and many others. The tri went to a department store to check it out. The Harajuku girl is all about expression and being free. You want to be creative and empowering with your clothes.

Honestly how cute does Jessica look? LOVE IT!!!

What do you think of this episode?

It was my absolute favorite one! I would love to be a Harajuku girl!
