Pot O Gold

Happy St. Patty'sDay!

If green beer is not in your diet (or maybe you're like me, and it's just not for you) then I have a fabulous idea for you!

How about swap out green beer for some antoxidant rich green tea. Green tea will speed up your metabolism, and make you feel great. While beer may get you tipsy it's just empty calories that do nothing for you.

Need some more green in your life today? Celebrate by eating all the leafy greens you can get your hands on: spinach, green beans, lettuce, broccoli.

Give yourself a seaweed masque!

Make your own pot of gold. Write your accomplishments on slips of paper and keep them in a little black pot. When you're having a bad day, or a weight loss plateau and need a little pick me up draw an accomplishment and remember how far you have come! Remember any time you accomplish something to add that to the pot!