A diva is the female version of a hustler

Hello Beauties!

Since it's my birthday I thought I would share with you three items that help me become a diva each day. My skin and hair are two things I strive to make flawless. So let's talk about the favs!

My hair is not curly, but it is wavy. So my hair routine is kind of extensive. My hair is very important to me, and one thing I could not live without is my straightener. My newest straightener love is my Hana Standard 1 inch Flat Iron PINK! It is ceramic so it doesn't damage my hair like other flat irons would. It leaves a sleek and shiny finish! No damsel with distressed hair here!

Have you ever wanted hair like the celebrities. Get that poof in the back or in the front? Teasing, back combing and rat tailing seem to wreck the hair, and really is it worth the pain?

Then came along the Bumpit...have you tried it? I wanted that va va voom added to my hair so I asked my mum for it for Christmas. I absolutely hate the Bumpit! It pulls out my hair, and left it brittle and I was not satisfied with the end results at all.

I still wanted the look of the stars without ruining my hair.

Plus I wanted to be able to go out with friends

and have that celebrity fabulous hair.

Enter the DivaDo! With a name like Divado and a tiara for a logo how can you not love this product? The Divado is what is giving my hair the fabulous lift it always deserved without the harm to my hair!

Let's talk about skin. I am the type of girl that masques at least once a week. I think masquing is important because it detoxifies, exfoliates and will soften the skin. Giving it the healthy glow we all deserve!

My favorite masque is by Alaska Glacial Mud Co. The glacial facial is a purifying mineral mud masque, and contains the most mineral-rich pure glacial clay in the world. Plus it comes from the Copper River Delta in Alaska. Ever notice how Alaskans have beautiful skin? It must be in the mud and clay? Now I can have that beautiful flawless look too! People will even comment about my skin!

What are your favorite skin or hair items? What helps you become a diva each day?