DVR please

Evening Beauties!

So Monday's involve
Chuck (for the boy)
One Tree Hill (when it's on)
Gossip Girl
Two and a half men
The big bang theory
Dancing with the Stars a
The Price of Beauty

WHOA! Guess what the boy brought home today? A DVR!!!!! xoxo YES!!!

Easter Giveaway ends tomorrow! Have you entered?

My birthday giveaway will be ending soon.

Tonight with dinner I made some homemade bread

Hawaiian! My favorite! Yum Yum

I had a salad with a couple pieces of bread

The boy had the tortilla soup I made. I thought it was so gross but he seemed to enjoy it. I just thought it was crazy spicy... oops!

If you want to know what's in my handbag check out my post here!

Well I am off to watch Dancing with the Stars!

What are you up to tonight?